
Coming through the fog of the holidays—the cards, the presents, the turkey and stuffing, the champagne and sparkling apple cider, the kids out of school and them (and their endless things and clothes and shoes) under foot—it’s time to look at the new year. A new year means a fresh slate.


Like starting a new book, starting a new year invigorates me. I think about all the things I’d like to try. Not do. I no longer make lists that include what I will do this year. Only what I will TRY to do.

So, this year, I’m going to TRY to write two books instead of one. I’m going to TRY to meditate more days than not. I’m going to TRY to read more books than I did last year (which was 80 so that’s going to be a tough one) and I’m going to TRY to put my work away at the end of the day (a reasonable end, not midnight) and be present with my family in the evenings.

What are you going to TRY?

And yes, this is what I look like when I’m making goals… ;)