becoming published

Series or Standalone

People ask if I prefer writing series or standalone. I put it like this, some days you want to see old friends, people who know you well enough that you never have to explain yourself. And some days, you want to venture out, to something new. It’s sort of like that. Maybe not really but a little. There’s something comforting about a series, about characters who are so familiar. But it’s exciting to find a new world, too, and that can be equally tempting. Maybe more.

Your circle matters

I met a writer recently. She’s hugely talented and motivated, willing to do the work. But her husband isn’t a fan of the writing. He thinks it’s a waste of time, the odds too much against her. I don’t want that to matter for her, but it does. It matters so much to have the support at home… for the days when it’s hard. And there are a lot of those days.