The torture of waiting...

 These girls are not allowed on the couch. Ever… Except tonight. 

 I’m waiting for some feedback on my book… which makes it hard to relax. Being a writer has some very specific challenges. One is that you spend a lot of time alone with your story. Months and months for me and for others, years and years.

During that time, it’s often not helpful to get feedback as you’re still finding your way through your own vision of the story. Or that is how it is for me. But then, the book has to go to someone else. A first reader, your agent or editor… and that is truly terrifying. Like sending your child on the bus to kindergarten for the first time terrifying. And it makes focus on everything else hard, too.

So I cuddled up with these girls and am watching a movie. I think they sensed that I needed a little extra love… Also, my daughter might have encouraged them to climb up… 

 Have to admit it helped.
