Holiday Preparations


The tree is up, the lights are strung, the elf is moving about (most days... okay, only when I remember.)

I'm checking off my list of things to buy (and adding more). Who’s buying for the cousins, the second cousins, the cousins-in-law? I guess I am!

I went out for a few things and promised myself that I wouldn’t buy wrapping paper and ribbon. Guess what I brought home…?

I wrapped a huge batch of presents only to realize (two days later) that I hadn’t labeled what they were and had to then unwrap them all. Which I tried to do neatly to reuse the paper. That was mostly a fail.

Now, we’re launching into the preparations-the house for the onslaught of guests and parties, the loosening of my belt in preparation for the endless supply of sugar cookies.

It's the most fabulous (and nuttiest) time of the year. And like every year, I think OMG, is it New Years yet?!

From my Montana family to you and yours, I wish you each a happy and safe holiday season.